About ICCF


International Council for Capital Formation (ICCF), founded in 1989, is a global organization focused on promoting the viability and successful execution, deployment and implementation of major capital endeavors in the areas of infrastructure, energy and financial market advancement.

Headquartered in Singapore, the ICCF is uniquely placed to be the advocates and champions for the integrity and merit of capital programs and initiatives. ICCF is uniquely placed to be the advocates and champions for the integrity and merit of capital programs and initiatives.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to facilitate and advocate legitimate, financially sustainable and viable capital developments to empower an impartial, transparent and completion-orientated framework structure for which participants and stakeholders can achieve collective success.

The ICCF is positioned to act as the unbiased and neutral entity to facilitate cooperation between governments, private sector and other stakeholder entities to achieve a fair, transparent and feasible process.

Economic Environment and Goals and Objectives

ICCF goals and objectives are to structure and facilitate viable economic and social initiatives and opportunities, based on defensible economic and social parameters. This is done with and on behalf of all involved parties to carry the responsibility of execution and ultimate success of the endeavor.