Authors Posts by ACCF



ACCF Statement on Green New Deal

ACCF Executive Vice-President George David Banks on today's introduction of Green New Deal legislation

Shareholder activism is on the rise, but companies are fighting back

"It can start with disclosure, and then goes to, why haven't you reached X?" says Tim Doyle, vice president for policy with the American Council for Capital Formation. "It's the beginning of a slippery slope when a shareholder recommendation turns into things that shareholders can ask for in the future."

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Analysis: Does new congress threaten Trump energy agenda? Not so fast

Robert Dillon offers insight on what energy policy could like in the new political climate.

DOE Domestic Uranium Enrichment Program Will Bolster U.S. National Security and a Cleaner Energy...

The American Council for Capital Formation praised today’s Department of Energy announcement of a $115 million program to demonstrate technology for enriching uranium slightly...

Trump’s missed opportunity on coal and climate change

“I have long believed that the GOP position on the science undermines its ability to put forward a real climate policy,” said George David Banks, a former top adviser to Trump on these issues.

Harvard Law School Forum Publishes ACCF Robo-Voting Research

From The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation New research from the American Council for Capital Formation identifies a troubling number...

Washington down on proxy advisers

Gary Retelny said ISS works ‘extremely hard’ to mitigate any potential conflicts of interest. Sally Montana Powerful institutions in Washington are taking a renewed look...

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New Report: Robo-Voting Confirmed

Numerous Asset Managers Voting in Lockstep with Proxy Advisor Recommendations

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New Report Highlights Impact & Extent of Flawed Proxy Advisor Recommendations 

New Report Highlights Impact & Extent of Flawed Proxy Advisor Recommendations  ACCF-commissioned research confirms alarming practice of robo-voting is real and quantifies scale of proxy advisor...

Influential advisers blindsiding corporate America on shareholder votes

Proxy-advisory firms, under scrutiny in Washington over the weight given to their corporate-policy guidance, aren't giving companies enough time to respond to voting recommendations...

Report Details Significant Problems With Shadowy Industry Used To Push Environmental Crusades

Investors are voting on expensive shareholder proposals designed to tackle global warming without understanding the negative effect such measures have on their investments, according...

Are Proxy Advisors Really a Problem?

ACCF-commissioned research confirms alarming practice of robo-voting is real and quantifies scale of proxy advisor errors

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